The Heath

Testimonials for Felix Economakis

Most therapists will have testimonials on their sites. Unfortunately there is no guarantee that these testimonials are authentic. I have heard of one one training organisation advising their students to copy testimonials from other websites, including one from a colleague of mine. When challenged about the deceit, the instructor replied with ‘how else do you expect them to get a start?’

The best testimonials are ones from independent sources where there can be no question of authenticity. Below are links to independent reviews or articles.

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In addition, I have had several occasions where my treatments approaches have been demonstrated and experienced by independent sources, such as being filmed in action for several TV programmes as well as having several journalists experience therapy first hand.

These were:

  • January 2025 - Independent Newspaper - Charlotte Cripps sought help for her eight-year-old daughter. See article link below
  • July 2023 – Daily Mail newspaper – journalist Fred Kelly sought help for a specific type of ARFID. See article link below
  • November 2022 – ‘The Guardian’ newspaper – journalist Joe Stone sought help for ARFID. See article link below 
  • August 2021 ‘Extreme Food Phobics’ – working with 12 clients with ARFID over 5 days. I also trained the other two therapists featured (24 clients helped with my method in total)
  • May 2020  FUJI TV  - 'Dr.Mystery' – live filming of two volunteers Candice Wilkinson and Tiffany Bird
  • March 2020 – Channel 4 – 'Food Unwrapped Investigates' – live filming with two volunteers
  • April 2016 - German TV Station Prosieben with client Katie Amelia Donnelly
    Watch the YouTube Video
  • May 2011 – 'Britain's Biggest Hoarders'. 1 session with TV presenter Jasmin Harmin's mum and OCD sufferer who said 'it was better than all the help from psychiatrists and psychologists put together'.
  • April 2011 – 'Blue Peter', BBC1. Successfully treated Blue Peter presenter Andy of his phobia of deep water.
  • April 2008 – 'Freaky Eaters' Series 3, BBC3 where I had a 100% success rate with 8 people with severe SED (Selective Eating disorder). Additional Independent testimonials are also available on the 'Selective Eating Disorder' a public forum on Facebook.
  • April 2007 – 'Panic Room', BBC3, I worked with 6 people with extreme phobias, also achieving a 100% success rate.
  • April 2007 – Daily Mirror, journalist Beth Neil challenged Felix to treat her phobia of pigeons in 1 session. She wrote: "…I've got to admit it's pretty impressive… I'm still able to walk through a crowd of pigeons and watch them flutter around me. That would have been inconceivable just a few hours ago. The sickness in my stomach has gone, I can't believe the progress I've made…" – 1 session.
    Read the full story here
  • Nov 2007 – Time Out, journalist Hannah Kane wrote about her equally successful single session to cure her phobia of surgical operations. This article is available in my testimonials folder in my waiting room at my clinic.
  • Daily MailDaily MirrorMetro etc – several articles of clients helped with severe selective eating disorder after one session.

I also have a dedicated YouTube channel for some before and after one-session treatments.

This is one example from my YouTube channel:

Feedback from follow-up contact

In a continual effort to improve my services I follow up therapy sessions with my clients by emailing them a feedback form which asks the question: "do you feel outcomes agreed at start of our sessions have been met at the end?".

Here are some responses I've had in return over the years:

I developed an extreme anxiety disorder after suddenly losing my one and only brother in an accident, it was sudden and as a teenager of 18 years old, I was traumatised by what had happened. I did not realise it as I held everything in, however I started developing severe and serious anxiety symptoms.

It started off by having panic attacks which grew more and more with time and then started having intense fear of almost everything especially with regards to social phobia. I loved people and was always very social with many friends, however I started finding it ever so difficult to talk to people, go into places were there were many people and found it incredibly hard even going into a shop. I would start to panic and would have a whole host of various symptoms including, shaking, trembling, palpitations, nerves pulsating violently, feeling dizzy, fussy, confused, disorientated and mind going blank.

This anxiety was not only in certain situations or places but present all the time 24/7 with varying levels and symptoms which were mostly unbearable, disabling and debilitating to the point I had practically no quality of life. I persevered and battled for over 15 years with extreme symptoms and had tried almost every treatment.

It wasn't until I heard of Felix Economakis and visited his clinic that I started to see permanent results. After the first session, the following day I noticed certain changes and felt more confident, thereafter pretty much immediately all symptoms and sensations virtually disappeared for good, never to return again. I was simply amazed and surprised, I finally got my life back after so many years of suffering and having such a limited life, being held back from almost everything in life. It has been miraculous and each and every day I am truly thankful and grateful that finally I can start to live and make positive progress in my life. I am only disappointed that I had not discovered Felix sooner so my years would not have been stolen by this awful condition, though extremely happy that I am finally free and can help others overcome the very same. I consistently see dramatic changes and am now very confident about the future, I can not thank him enough.

I therefore highly recommend Felix Economakis to anyone who may be suffering from a similar condition or any other condition that is treatable in the very same way. Please do not go through all the methods and treatments I went through for so many years only to waste your time, be disappointed and continue to suffer.
Barbara, 1 session

Hi, I came in for a session with Felix Economakis on the 20th April and he asked that I email and let him know how I'm doing in a week or so, I couldn't find an email on this website so I hope it's okay to send it on here.

My family and I have all been extremely surprised with how well I've been since my appointment. My OCD behaviours went away almost completely for the first few days and although the OCD urges have since come back, they are not as strong or frequent and I'm able to ignore them. It's as though I have a fighting chance against them for the first time in years and it is no where near as difficult as it used to be. My anxiety is still there but no where near as pronounced. I would say that it's probably only a little over what normal anxiety levels should be for someone at university and this has meant that I've been managing my workload far better since, for once I'm spending more time working than worrying. I've also managed to resist every urge to binge and purge since leaving and I feel confident that I can continue to do so.

Overall, this has meant feeling less irritable and exhausted and I feel as though there is actually room in my mind to think clearly. I've been more productive and in general, a happier person to be around. I can only hope that I continue to feel this way and I just wanted to express how thankful I am. I was not entirely optimistic when I arrived that there would be any lasting helpful effect, but by the end of the session I suspected differently. This was the first time that I have found any kind of treatment to be truly helpful and I don't know what I would have done without it.

So thank you again, I couldn't say it enough.
Emily S – One session, OCD and binge eating

Hi, Dr Felix treated me over 9 years ago for a severe moth phobia ...... And my testimonial is featured on this web page !!!! Just an update that 9 yeas on after emigrating to Australia, I am still "cured" after one session and remain phobia free, this has drastically changed my life !! As you will appreciate in Australia everything is bigger - moths included - this is not a problem anymore !!

Please pass on my thanks to Dr Felix although words really don't express how utterly life changing his treatment is. Thank you.
Rachel Longworth

We visited Felix after watching him being interviewed on "The Wright Show"  to see if he could help us with my husband’s performance anxiety issues which have been controlling the way he lives his everyday life for some years now.

Having got to the point of almost accepting we just had to live with the way my husband had to “give in” to his mind taking control of certain aspects of his life and how it affected our relationship, we really did feel we had nowhere left to turn.   We had asked for help through the normal route of Doctors/therapy etc but up until now, nothing had really worked for him.

Although I was a little sceptical that one session with Felix would be the answer to all our problems, I could only pray that this time, our trip to London would be the turning point we needed.

Felix welcomed us both and was very understanding and easy to talk to.  We chatted about our how my husband’s issues were affecting our lives after which, I left my husband with Felix for his 40 min session and went back to the waiting room.

When my husband’s session was over Felix called me back in and we talked a little about what had taken place and how I could help my husband going forward to re-gain his confidence.

Since returning home, all I can say is that the change in my husband is amazing!   It really is as through Felix has been able to get into his head and switch something off that has been controlling him in such a negative way for so long now.   My husband hasn’t talked too much about what they discussed in the session and I haven’t tried to push him to do so, but I do know he was able to let go of some of his childhood memories that may have contributed to his anxiety issues in his adult life.

Sometimes the reasons for seeking help about issues like ours are very private and personal so you can’t always talk about it openly to others, however, we wanted to write this testimonial so that we could share our experience with others – Felix has truly changed our lives and this sort of treatment should be more openly acknowledged by the general medical profession and made more readily available to all as I do believe for my husband it was his mind “controlling” his body and if we had known about Felix sooner, we could have dealt with his issues years ago.

"Thank you Felix, it really is as though you have flicked a switch in his head and the problems he was experiencing seem to have disappeared completely!  I can't believe the transformation in him and I am so grateful to you for helping us.  We really were at a point where we didn't know who to turn to and we can't thank you enough for your help.  It really does feel like you have performed a miracle for us and I hope other people will read this and make their mind up to come and see you so that they can  also benefit from the amazing job that you do"
Mr & Mrs C of Norfolk

I came to you in March for fear of flying and felt really positive about the experience when I left you. I am delighted to tell you that what you did worked and i cannot describe how grateful my Husband and I are! We just got back from Jamaica and I breezed an almost 10hr and an 8.5hr flight - I am so happy! Flying was such a terrifying experience for me that I would never look forward to or fully enjoy a holiday and would always try to find reasons not to go, but now I feel differently and more positive towards it which is such a relief for both of us, so much so that I have just booked to take my Husband to Cuba for his 30th Birthday!
Many thanks for all your help to overcome a lot of unnecessary stress!


So, it's been a week since my session with you and I cannot believe the change!  Since last Friday I have tried so many different foods, I haven't liked them all of them but just being able to try them is amazing, I've actually been excited to try new foods!  On the Saturday I cooked a lasagne, normally I would do this for the family and do myself a bacon sandwich but I did this for myself as well with garlic bread and I loved it!

I have to keep telling myself that it's OK if I don't like foods as I'm not keen on salad but just being able to try them and make a choice is amazing as I couldn't even put these foods in my mouth before the session.

I love fruit and I'm trying new foods nearly every day.

Meal times are funny as if I'm trying a new food my family just sit and watch in disbelief as I start to eat, normally my husband and children would ask me to try try something and I just couldn't.

I cannot thank you enough, this really has changed my life!!!
Nicola McAllister

I had 3 or 4 sessions with Felix a number of years ago. The reason I first came to see Felix was due to a fear of public speaking. This was so extreme that it was making me very anxious in work situations, where perhaps I could have been in greater control. Almost ten years on and my mind still refers to the conversations that I had... with Felix, and, although I rarely speak to him now, he has taken the place of a wise older brother in my mind, his confidence and calm presence always there in times of need. An example of how his techniques helped me - I recently conquered my nerves to pitch a business idea on the BBC Dragon's Den - something I would not have believed possible in the past.
Sam Gaskill

"Felix identified the root of my problem extremely quickly, having already had 5 other sessions with someone else I wasn't convinced the problem could be solved, let alone in just 1 session. But Felix just hit the nail on the head. I am still amazed he did in just 1 session and I definitely believe Felix is a hidden gem in his industry. I am very fortunate to have found him as the difference it has made in my life is priceless. I would recommend Felix without any hesitation as he is excellent at what he does and gets results fast.
Maz S – Confidence

"Prior to my therapy I was a bit sceptical but I am absolutely amazed with what Felix managed to achieve in just 2 hours. Having suffered with a severe phobia for over 20 years, I am now comfortably able to cope with situations that before sent me into a blind panic. I feel as if I've got my life back and I really couldn't have asked for more. Felix was understanding and patient throughout and also made me feel very relaxed and safe. He has achieved what I can only describe as some sort of miracle! I honestly didn't believe that long-term changes could be achieved in such a short space of time but now have real proof! I continue to remain positive and confident about the future. Thank you!"
Parveen Nar – Local Government worker

"I just wanted to let you know that the dog fear therapy you did for Finn worked perfectly.
He feels it has had such a positive impact on his life as he was struggling with it daily and now he doesn’t give it a second thought.
We ate a picnic a few weeks ago and a dog ran up to our blanket of food and whereas previously he would have run for the hills and knocked everything over, he genuinely didn’t flinch!
He also managed to stay the night at his friend’s house dog and all.
He continues to try new foods although I think I need to help him expand this further as one can become complacent but again, it’s beyond life changing and the stress I felt at meal times, often staying at work to avoid them has resolved.
You may know I’ve referred several people to you since.. and I’m sure there will be more!
I told my husband that you said ‘I’m not a magician’
And he said ‘well he’s the closest thing to it that I’ve ever seen!’ I have to agree :)
Thank you again"

Christine MacManus - (mother of Finn 13 years old) – dog phobia and ARFID

"… All I needed to walk in with was an open mind to try new things and although I was very sceptical, it's worked. I can't describe how wonderful it feels after so many years of being terrified of public speaking to finally put it behind me. Not really sure how it works but in all honesty, I'm too relieved to care!"
B.C. – Human Resources

"…if i am really honest I left your offices thinking 'great guy, that was fun but what a load of rubbish, it's not worked'. That night out of nowhere a little moth was fluttering around the room and I astounded everyone including myself when I just reached out and grabbed it in my hand!! the whole room went quiet. My husband was open-mouthed in disbelief. The next morning I saw another moth in my room and again caught it in my hand just to prove it wasn't a fluke. Only this time it was bigger and I held it enclosed in both hands and took it gently outside. I was STILL sceptical so I tested myself again and sat in the garden with the lights on waiting for moths!! There were a few whizzing past my head and I was cool as a cucumber!! I could not believe that after my whole adult life and probably all my childhood, I would sit comfortably in the garden at night with the lights on waiting for moths to come. I kept scanning the room and then I remembered 'I am not afraid of them anymore'. My [conscious] brain has not grasped this yet, so I kept testing myself. I am now planning a trip to butterfly world where there will be hundreds of them…"
Rachel Longworth – Lifelong fear of moths/butterflies

"…after many years of the wrong form of therapy.. and my anxiety and having only half a life… I am so grateful to be feeling wonderful and optimistic… coping with daily situations and the ups and downs of life… I also made a successful plane journey and enjoyed the trip! Thank you so much"
Lisa Kelly – Special Needs teacher

".. My daughter Orla responded immediately and completely to the session with you. No more sleep deprivation, anxiety or late nights, it's really a miracle. It has made a huge difference to Orla, much better rested and better tempered as a result. The impact on the family as a whole has been very beneficial. I would have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone who needed hypnotherapy.."
Mrs Sophia Brennan – Nightmares

"…I can honestly say that the 4 sessions I had with Felix have been a life changing experience. I now see things with a clarity and a purpose never experienced before.."
David Berridge, Supporter Relations

"I had no idea what you did for the best part of 2 hours but hip hooray I feel normal and completely liberated for the first time in years. I've even managed two restaurants recently…"
L.P, Housewife – Severe Selective Eating Disorder

Since our session I feel my whole life has changed…. everyone is amazed at my success. I can't thank you enough it has really changed my life. I'm even waking up thinking of new foods I can try. Thanks so much.
Siobhan Carlill – Selective Eating Disorder

"… Outcome agreed at start of session was met more swiftly than expected… and its effects appear to be enduring…. the approach was just right for my style of operating… the environment was excellent – calming, professional , authoritative…"
Joe T. – Director

"… absolutely – in fact they have been surpassed … and found it to be hugely beneficial"
Dr. C.B – University Lecturer

"… yes, effectively straight to the core of important blocks … no time wasted… I feel cleaned up inside. Timeline Therapy was very quick and amazing how effective it is without having to talk about the events that caused the block. I'm impressed by the respect for the unconscious mind and how the willingness to listen and acknowledge it creates a willingness to change its old beliefs.."
R. Hoed – Textile Artist

"[Goals were] staggeringly met…. a whole new approach and way of thinking to carry into all other problem aspects of my life however large or small… excellent in all aspects and will greatly improve my quality of life…"
Helen Coldbeck – Secretary

"I've been to see various people (from counsellors to acupuncturists) over the last 18months and this is the first time I really felt more upbeat… perceptive questions made me think about issues in new ways… also although a little bizarre, the tapping thing actually does seem to work. I never would have believed it… the hypnotherapy was very relaxing and did seem to bring about a change…"
Fiona P. – Director

"I was thoroughly pleased with the methods you used and the way the sessions were carried out… thank you so much for helping to feel like myself again"
Anna Norton – Consultant

Felix was very helpful, easy to talk to and intuitive…I was seeing a counsellor for two years with no change, but now within 2 months I feel back to my old self – but wiser and more able to deal with any difficulties and things that arise."
Claire R. – Freelance photographer

"…It really has given me my future! I cannot believe how quickly we got to certain vital stages… Felix was excellent, I cannot thank him enough."
Mrs. L K. – Administrator

"…thank you very much for the help, having tried every other possible smoking cessation technique available this is the only one that worked and has been easy."
Daniel F – Human Resources

"…I just wanted to let you know that it's now almost a year since my sessions with you and I've not touched a single cigarette since. Not bad considering I was a 40-a -day smoker before I met you! Thank you so very much for helping me get healthy again.."
Gary Rowe – Director

"The service was excellent and helpful…I am very glad that I did this therapy"
Nicholas W. – Decorator

"His empathy encouraged my faith in him solving my phobia… I have successfully taken a flight"
Julian J. – IT Consultant

"Felix's technique was very appropriate for me and used a style that I found easy to relate to…the improvement to my relationships has been fantastic… and he was extremely kind and helpful… many thanks"
Rachel L. - CEO of a catering company

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Testimonials

We have so many testimonials for ARFID that it has its own dedicated page. Please see the page for much more information.

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© 2025 Felix Economakis - Sitemap The Heath Therapies - ARFID Therapy, London
27 Avenue Mansions, 499 Finchley Road, London, NW3 7AX | 0207 794 8730